Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hot chocolate from the tooth fairy

I just had a wisdom tooth taken out. The doctor told me I was not supposed to eat anything for a few hours but that I could drink any liquids i wanted. When iI got back home I decided i would reward myself with a nice cup of hot chocolate. You could say he practically forced me to make hot chocolate with all that don't eat anything talk.

Last week I watched a family friend make the best hot chocolate ever by melting a couple of handfuls of chocolate in a saucepan on the stove top and mixing in hot milk so I decided I would try to re-create her recipe. But when I was melting my two handfuls of chocolate in the saucepan it occurred to me that the chocolate was half way tempered. So instead of adding milk, i took my saucepan off the heat and throw in one more handful of unmelted chocolate and stirred to melt.

Now, with melted chocolate that was not really in temper considering that I had not paid any attention to accurate measurements or the appropriate melting temperatures for the chocolate i had, I decided that I needed to dip something in. Thankfully, I had a whole pound of strawberries that I had just gotten at my local grocery store.

Having finished dipping my strawberries in chocolate, I returned the saucepan to the heat and I poured in 4 cups of milk. Yes, I poured in four cups of milk straight from the fridge. As you can imagine, the result was not so pretty. Actually, why imagine? Here, take a look for yourself.

I rescued my hot chocolate by removing the milk, heating it up and re-adding it gradually to the chocolate. The result was phenomenal. Just what the doctor and the tooth fairy ordered. I am the mom and tooth fairy in this house and I this tooth fairy is bringing hot chocolate to warm me up in the -18C weather and strawberries for DH and DS who will surely both deserve a treat after putting up with the headache I will certainly develop when the painkillers wear out.

Heavenly Hot Chocolate
two handfuls of your favorite chocolate, chopped up
four cups of warm milk

melt the chocolate in a skillet, gradually add the warm milk and stir.
and above all, make sure you use chocolate you actually like to eat. None of that awful baking stuff.